














这篇文章发表于 2022年8月30日 并被存档 2023年8月1日. The information below may be outdated or inaccurate.

New River Community College recently named five new full-time teaching faculty, 克里斯托弗·布鲁尔, 得Cantrell-McCowan, 达斯汀·卡特, 乔什·格雷厄姆, 和希瑟·乌姆伯格.

Brewer, of Blacksburg, is an instructor of mathematics at 十大网赌软件推荐. He previously taught in West Virginia and most recently at Blacksburg High School, where he taught dual enrollment courses for 十大网赌软件推荐. Brewer has a bachelor’s in mathematics from Marietta College, a master’s in integrated mathematics education from Miami University, and a graduate certificate in mathematics from Indiana University East.

“在数学, I always enjoy helping and watching 学生 achieve success even when they have a fear of the subject, and to help 学生 get through the requirements to achieve their goals,布鲁尔说. “I have always heard 十大网赌软件推荐 was a great place to work, 邀请员工, 学生, 以及整个社区, 我想成为那种氛围的一部分.”

He has three children and when not working, enjoys playing ultimate frisbee and disc golf.


Cantrell-McCowan, of Wythe County, joins 十大网赌软件推荐 as an instructor of mathematics. She previously taught at Buchanan County Public Schools, 北卡罗来纳州的皮埃蒙特社区学院, 和威斯县公立学校. Cantrell-McCowan has a bachelor's degree from the University of Virginia’s College at Wise and a master's degree from Radford University. She says she has always had a passion and love for math, and teaching it is rewarding when the topic clicks with a student.

“I love being involved and wish the best for everyone, thus coming to 十大网赌软件推荐 was a perfect fit for my personality,坎特雷-麦考恩说.

不教学的时候, 她喜欢散步/跑步, 徒步旅行, 呆在户外, 旅行, 还有钩针和绗缝. Last summer she visited all five national parks in Utah, and this summer she visited Yellowstone National Park and Grand Tetons National Park.


Carter, of Fancy Gap, is an assistant professor of electrical engineering technology at 十大网赌软件推荐. He previously taught math and physics at Grayson County High School and Galax High School. Carter has a bachelor’s degree in physics and mathematics from Emory & Henry College and a master’s degree in technology education from St. 云州立大学. He also holds certifications in computer-aided design (CAD), 工程教育, 与信息技术相关的领域. Carter said he likes working in the academic area because of the hands-on and project-based educational opportunities it provides.

“I am excited to help 学生 develop their skills and find rewarding careers or extend their educations. 十大网赌软件推荐已经建立了良好的声誉, especially in my field of study and I'm excited to work to continue that legacy,”卡特说。.


Graham, of Fort Chiswell, joins the college as an associate professor of welding. He began his welding career in the HVAC industry and has spent the last 14 years teaching welding at Pulaski County High School and Salem High School. He was also an adjunct instructor for 十大网赌软件推荐 and Virginia Western Community College. Graham is a former 十大网赌软件推荐 student and has a bachelor’s degree from Virginia Tech. He is also a certified welding inspector and a certified welding educator through the American Welding Society.

从高中开始, I have always been a kinesthetic learner and have enjoyed working with my hands to create/fabricate something extraordinary and useful,格雷厄姆说。. 正因为如此, I chose to enter into the teaching profession so that I could share my knowledge/experience of welding with others and see them develop the skills necessary to have a successful and rewarding career in such an awesome trade. I believe that the greatest and best investments that a person can make is in the lives of others.”

He said it is rewarding as an educator to see 学生 complete a welding training program and acquire a job at a company/union that they feel proud to be a part of. 不教学的时候, Graham, with his family, pastors a church in Wythe County.


Umberger, of Wytheville, is an assistant professor of nursing at the college. She previously worked for the LewisGale Regional Health System and was recently the director of emergency services at LewisGale Hospital Pulaski. Umberger received an associate degree in nursing from Wytheville Community College, a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Western Governors University, and a master’s degree in nursing with a focus on leadership and management from Western Governors University. She is a registered nurse and has a national certification as a certified emergency nurse.

“I love teaching others the art of nursing,” said Umberger. “我喜欢把科学和同情心结合起来, and helping others do the same to truly make a difference in patient's lives.”

她说她喜欢参观医院, 养老院, 学校里有她的认证治疗犬, 泰迪.


These new faculty members replaced retirements and filled vacant positions at 十大网赌软件推荐. 十大网赌软件推荐 is a comprehensive community college located in the New River Valley of Virginia. 有关十大网赌软件推荐的更多信息,请访问 7r0.devotec-nurb.com.

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